The fascinating story of the Granada winery 2002
its starting years ago....
The fascinating story of the Granada winery begins with Abraham and Ovadia Kashi, who grew up in the 1940s in the city of Baghdad, Iraq. When Abraham was in sixth grade, his father Yitzhak Kasi decided to fulfill his dream and immigrate to Israel. together with his wife Esther and his six younger brothers.
That how began the Outstanding journey in 1951, despite the prohibition of the Iraqi authorities on the exodus to Israel, The family made their way to Persia where they lived, and after several months with a Persian passport they were put on a plane and arrived at the Sha’ar Ha’Aliya transit camp in Israel.The seven children of the family were separated from their parents and sent to kibbutzim, until a few years later the Kashi family settled in Moshav Gan HaDarom.
They bloom the wilderness
The first years of absorption were difficult: they were housed in a small, cramped agency for nine people.
The parents looked for a suitable source of income and needed money for basic needs.
To help support the family, the brothers Avraham and Ovadia began to cultivate the land and dapted it to growing vegetables – cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and more. The family soon began to see the fruit of their hands and after they were discharged from the army, the decision was made to settle in Gan HaDarom to move forward and plant citrus trees.
For this purpose, Abraham bought an agricultural farm in a moshav where he and his family live and work to this day.
This important decision contributed to the Kashi family’s economy for decades, since citrus fruit continued to grow until the mid-1980s when citrus competition began with Spain. In the late 1990s, sales declined and the brothers began to search for new sources of income.